Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Day For Ducks (and a rabbit)

Today was a duck day. My last mallard, a drake (male), flew away from home while I was gone. When I came home, I found evidence that a dog had entered the stream where he likes to swim in the afternoon. Recently, there have been a few other wild mallards in the stream, but not in the past few days. I suspected that the dog attacked my duck, but seeing no sign of blood, I hoped he got away.

It is now about 10:30 PM. About 15 minutes ago, I couldn't believe it: I heard a knock (quack) at the front door. When I looked outside, there was my duck! He had apparently hidden out under a bush all day long waiting for the coast to clear.

His name is Blue Duck, named after a rather infamous outlaw from the Indian Territory in present day Oklahoma. Blue Duck also has a prominent roll in Larry McMurtry's "Lonesome Dove." Being a McMurtry fan, both McMurtry senior and McMurtry junior, my little drake became known as Blue Duck.

This morning began with a short trip into Redding. On the way, I found a drake mallard similar to mine just standing in the road. I stopped and walked up to him, spoke to him, and he spoke back in duck language. I thought it odd that he should be standing in the bicycle lane. As I got close to him, he said good bye and flew away. Later, I had the same experience with a cotton tail bunny. But, the bunny did not fly away, of course. He just ran away.

I am so glad to go to bed tonight knowing that Blue Duck is safe and home. It will be easier to sleep tonight. So remember, if you hear a duck quacking, go to the front door and open it. There may actually be a duck there.


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