Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our Golden Retriever "Honey" became very ill yesterday. We took her to the vet this morning after we found her in very bad shape on the floor. The vet did a medical work-up and called shortly before 5:30 this afternoon. The diagnosis was Mast Cell cancer, and it had spread to her lungs and other organs. Her body had completely failed her. She was in terrible pain, and three different vets felt that she would die within the next couple of days. We wanted to spare her the process of dying in such pain. We did not want her to suffer, so after quite a few tears, we did for her what we can not legally do for ourselves. We said good-bye for about 20 minutes, stayed with her and stroked her head and spoke with her. Nikki held her muzzle in her hand and petted her. And then she was gone. We are, of course, both devestated. But, we feel it was the right thing to do. Not easy. Right.


At March 25, 2009 at 12:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this. It's very thoughtful. I feel you both loved her as much as I did even though we always said she was naughty and that she was bad. She was still a great dog. Even through her faults.

I'll miss her tremendously, but I'm glad that you guys made the decision you did.

I love her so much, and mostly I'm unhappy at how she had to go. But I feel that she's in a better place and waiting for all of us. Eating out of trashes and possibly once and a while drinking out of a toilet, where-ever she is.

She was an awesome dog. Thanks for everything both of you did, and thanks for the support.

I love both of you.



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