Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trip To Roseburg, Oregon

Saturday and Sunday were spent with our two friends Mark and Tracy Parker in Roseburg, Oregon. Mark and Tracy are spending the week there. They stopped by for lunch in Redding on their way up, and we decided to join them for an evening in Roseburg.

We took both of our dogs with us. That was an interesting experience. We asked them if they wanted to go for a ride and they both jumped up and starting spinning in circles. For some reason though, once they got in the car they began to suspect something bad, like the vet or something like that. Our border collie "TheBaby" got real nervous; started panting. Our retriever "Honey" just kind of laid there, slightly less nervous. This was their first overnight stay in a hotel too.

Once we got to Roseburg, we checked into the Windmill hotel, which is pet friendly, and they gave each of our dogs a package of dog goodies, wrapped in a nice ribbon. They seemed nervous in the hotel room too. We are not sure if they had a good time of not. We think maybe they did for at least part of it.

We said goodbye to Mark and Tracy today and drove back. After crossing the California border, the weather started turning bad. First rain, then a little mixed snow. By the time we got past Mount Shasta, it was pretty hard precipitation, but the snow was not sticking yet.

So we are home now and the dogs are happy. It was a really fun trip. We enjoyed our conversations over dinner and breakfast with Mark and Tracy a lot. We hope they have a good time in Roseburg and a safe trip home.

And Tracy: if you read this, just ignore all those scary airplane stories I was telling you. 


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