Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pink Panther

This morning began with a jog around the block. I didn’t jog. Nikki did. I followed her on my mountain bike. When you have had knee replacement surgery, jogging is forever a thing of the past. We encountered several dogs, Pepper being the first one, and Jake being the second. Jake is a large friendly dog, a short haired German shepard looking dog, but colored like a Border collie. He has two blazing blue eyes. Then, there was one final stray, a large dog that appeared to be frightened at our approach. He ran away.

This afternoon, we went to a movie and saw Pink Panther II, starring Steve Martin of course. That guy can crack me up with just his looks. His French accent is atrocious, which makes it all the more funny. If you are looking for some light hearted entertainment, some sight gags, and a lot of slap stick humor, and most importantly, if you like Steve Martin, this movie will be worth what you pay for it. I felt like I had been doing “ab” work at the gym by the time the movie was over.

The rest of the afternoon was spent running a few errands, and returning home at around 3:30 PM. We spent the rest of the day and evening just enjoying an early dinner and the quiet of our home. We talked about how we still miss our dog Hurk.



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