Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bike Ride

Today was a great day for a bike ride. My Burley Recumbent was speaking to me softly as my wife headed out the door for her jog. Tire pressures? As usual, they were low - about 30 pounds in the front and 60 in the rear. Recently, because of numerous flats, I changed the tires to Kevlar tires, plus I lined the rear tire with a Kevlar band. The rear tire is also a slimed tire. After pumping up the tires to the 100 pounds of pressure that I like, I snapped the GPS computer into place, filled the water bottle, grabbed the iPod and headed out.

It's not a tough ride really - about thirteen miles of gentle slopes. It consists of gentle downhill slopes for the first half of the loop, followed by gentle uphill slopes on the return half. About three quarters of the way through my ride, I stopped to inspect a bookcase that I saw at a garage sale. Thirty bucks was a good deal for this particular bookcase, so I returned later and bought it. The guy even delivered it for me.

After stopping to inspect the bookcase, I continued home. The peddling felt good going up Lake Blvd. Good bike lanes all the way and people were polite. Most importantly, no flats.
The rest of the day was spent doing errands, going to lunch with my wife, and taking it easy.


At March 1, 2011 at 10:11 AM , Blogger j. Charles Dill said...

I went back and bought the book case.


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