Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Sunday Bike Ride To Visit Our Ducks

A lovely Sunday for a bike ride. I know that my word processor will pick up that opening sentence and flag it as an incomplete sentence, but who cares? This is my blog! I'll do what I want.
On this slightly cool Sunday, Nikki accompanied me on my leisurely stroll through the Shasta County countryside. We saw a few other bikers on our way. Some waved, some didn't. Most road bikers don't have the time of day for someone on a recumbent. That's okay. I'm a road biker too and I always wave. Life is too short.

We were given due courtesy by our fellow users of the road, the people driving cars. Most of our route was on established bike lanes, but some of it wasn't. We try to keep an eye out in the mirror for errant automobiles, but today saw nothing but courtesy. Not always the case.

We stopped by the duck pond at Twin Lakes mobile home park. We released three of our mallards there about two months ago. One of them is very distinctive. She is white, kind of a throwback to a time that she acquired mixed genes with a domestic white duck I suspect. Her two sisters are still with her. They stick together, paddling closely, keeping all of the drakes at a suitable distance.

We then continued on with our ride, down through part of the town of Shasta Lake, then past the high school out onto a rural country road. We wound our way back home getting some good exercise and enjoying these wonderful Burley recumbent bikes.

After lunch and a good cup of coffee, we went for a drive and discussed Christmas, the economy, politics, religion, and then went to Rayles to get some stuff for Thanksgiving. We are blessed. Even with declining health and the onset of age, we are truly blessed to be able to enjoy a nice bike ride on a Sunday morning.


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