Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Exciting Day At The Vet's Office

Today began with a trip to the vet. Our golden retriever, Honey, had knee surgery about one month ago, so we were expecting a routine follow-up visit. Boy! Were we wrong.

After the vet saw Honey, he felt that a post surgical injection in her knee might help with some minor pain she was having. He took her to the x-ray room and made for sure the knee was stable. Then he administered the injection. He brought Honey back into us and instructed us to see him again in two weeks.

On the way home, Honey developed some bazaar behavior. She started getting panicky. She began becoming so agitated that we had to pull over and let her out of the car. She began rolling on the ground. Her skin color changed to a bright hot red. She began to swell, and then she started throwing up, just prior to exhibiting convulsive behavior.

We rushed her back to the vet. By the time we got there, her throat and tongue were swelling. Her eyes had swollen almost shut. She was rushed back into the emergency room and they administered intravenous Benadryl, an anti-histamine. They felt, as did we, that she had developed a serious allergic reaction to the injection. They are keeping her overnight, hooked up to an I.V.

So, that was exiting. If we would have lost Honey, that would have been the second dog to die in two weeks. It looks like Honey is going to be okay though.

The rest of the day was spent enjoying the hail and thunderstorms near our home. Nikki had today off, and of course I have everyday off. We read and relaxed. Tomorrow, I will go pick up Honey.


At March 9, 2009 at 9:14 PM , Blogger VidaPita said...

omg! i'm glad your dog is ok. i probly would've freaked out.

At March 9, 2009 at 9:35 PM , Blogger j. Charles Dill said...

Yes! We did kind of freak out. But everything is okay now.


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