Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Close Encounter

Today, my wife and I came really close - closer than ever before - to a real disaster. We took our mountain bikes up to Shasta Lake, our usual ride. It's a fairly steep climb, followed by a gentle gliding descent down to Vista Point, and finally ending at Shasta Dam. From there, the loop continues up a gentle climb for a ways, followed by a gentle down hill portion back to our house.

It's usually a fun ride. On this ride, we stopped along the way to snap a photo. Using the 10 second self timer on our camera, we rigged up a makeshift tripod (actually a unipod) from a piece of old manzanita and some rocks. Carefully, we balanced the camera on the top of the stick, I set the timer and we both scurried to the other side of the road. Once the photo was taken, we retrieved the camera and completed our ride.

It wasn't until we got home and uploaded the photo into our computer that we realize just how close we had come to, well, who knows what would have happened? Apparently, while we were posing for the picture, a cyclops took that opportunity to attempt an ambush. The camera shutter snapped and I ran back across the road to retrieve the camera. When I turned around, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Apparently, the cyclops had ducked back behind the hill. 

It is so rare that you see one of these things. I didn't even know that there were cyclopses in our area. There certainly aren't any signs warning people to, "Beware of Cyclopses." Personally, I didn't think they existed, but the proof is in the picture. He probably didn't realize how close he was to a tasty meal. Having only one eye, we figure that his depth perception is a bit off. 

We got lucky this time. Next time, we will be more vigilant. 


At April 23, 2009 at 2:27 PM , Anonymous Easyrider1 said...

Holy Heck! I ride up there all the time. I'm always worried about cougers and such, the occasional pick-up full of local boys throwing Bud Light empties at me, but CYCLOPSES? I'm gonna have to find a new place to ride.

At April 25, 2009 at 1:58 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

We don't have quite that problem out here John. The mighty Pacific is far to wide and deep for them to swim to get here. But that would a be a bit distracting to see on the road. We do, however, have Menehune who are very mischievous (and very industrious) little people that work at night. While we're sleeping. And they have a rather warped sense of humor.

At May 1, 2009 at 12:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm amazed he's able to hide. He seems pretty stealthy...

If it is a he.

At February 23, 2011 at 8:01 AM , Blogger j. Charles Dill said...

I have seen signs on this route, but I always thought the signs said, "Beware of Cyclists." I'll have to check this out.


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