Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Last Cowboy & Corral

The Last Cowboy 

An old cowboy sits by his TV windows,
To the world. Channels that barely work,
From commercials to static and even some snow,
And a new truck sold by a slick haired jerk.

This cowboy’s ways are all memories now,
A time when a dog really was needed,
A quarter section reserved just for the plow,
And the need to be annually seeded.

Cattle to be roped and brought all in,
From the hills to a safer locale,
With his sidekick he calls “My very best friend,”
A collie whose name is Corral.

With a Yippee-I-O and a Yippee Ki-Ay,
He strums while he’s out on the range,
The mesquite burns long until early next day,
He’s The Last Cowboy with Corral and the sage.

He’s simple - and he’s the only one left now,
As he sits and flips through the TV glass,
Thirteen channels of Go-Man-Go!
How he yearns for that simpler past.

Corral understands this cattleman’s mind,
He’s shared it with him through and through,
And he’ll stay by his master’s heel ‘til he goes blind,
But he has traded a boot for a shoe.
j. Charles Dill

Copyright © 2010 J. Charles Dill


At July 15, 2010 at 1:19 PM , Blogger scott ford said...

Nicely done. Looks like Baxter Black will have a bit of competition. Hope to see more. Always knew you were going to the dogs.Will bark at you real soon,yahear.


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