Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Great Klamath Roundup

The Great Klamath Roundup
By J. Charles Dill 

The dogs had assembled in one locale 
They knew what had to be done 
Their masters took it so seriously and all 
But to them it was all just great fun 

Snipe stared intently down the field so distant 
A long pasture of grass and cattle 
The master’s whistle and his calm insistence 
Made it all look like it wasn’t a battle 

Snow ran the field with a blazing outrun 
The audience let out with a wow! 
She came up behind from out of the sun 
And she brought in the very last cow 

Red who acted real nonchalant 
Took his turn to shine in the sun 
While Blister tried the others to taunt 
Neither one of them actually won 

Then came His turn to run the whole show 
He felt His work was the purest of art
The new-dog-in-town that nobody know’d 
From then on though they'd all know Dart 

With the most graceful of gates His outrun He did 
A wide swooping sprint of elegant delight 
While master and horse with commands still unsaid
Dart worked them left and then He worked right 

Come-by and Away, Stop and Walk-Up 
With a focus that came from His confidence 
He worked that herd and a record time went up 
Dart was one with the field and the fence 

But when He put them away is when the crowd went wild 
He closed and latched the gate Himself - it’s true! 
And the horse and rider just simply stood by 
As Dart took the keys to the Ford truck too 

He got Him a drink after doing His job 
Then He bowed for the spectator’s view
This collie was not just a working dog 
He could put up all the horses to boot 

The tack in its place and the horses all groomed 
He would pull on the trailer rope gate 
He poured a cool drink for his cowboy friend too 
Jumped in the truck so they wouldn’t be late 

And as they drove off with that buckle in hand 
Dart turned as He so often did 
He winked out the window as they slowly drove past 
And the crowd was a mass dumbfounded 

But then Dart awoke from his afternoon dream
His master’s command and a quick leash jerk
It was time now for Dart to be part of the team
And go out and do some real ranch work

Copyright © 2010 J. Charles Dill


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