Friday, November 27, 2009

Mettle Rose - Our New Border Collie

Today, we awoke early. Dart, our male seven-month-old border collie began his 30 days of intensive training at the Crystal Rose Ranch. After a one hour and thirty minute drive out to the ranch, we handed him over to Merle and Sandi Newton, two of the best dog trainers in the world. We will miss him very much, but it’s only for a month. And besides, Dart loves it at the ranch.

After arriving at the ranch, we went into Merle & Sandi Newton’s home and discussed many things around the kitchen table. We enjoy talking with the Newtons. We seem to connect. After a long talk, we rode out over the almost 900 acre ranch with several dogs, Shadow and Pocket. We located some stray cattle and rounded them up with the help of the dogs. We inspected the fences and the water tanks. There were three stray bulls from another ranch that needed relocating. The dogs were indispensible for that work. It was so much fun watching the dogs and the Newtons work, and it was very relaxing for us.

Part of the reason why it was so relaxing there is that The Crystal Rose Ranch is off the grid – no electricity other than solar and emergency generator, and no cell phone service. The brain can concentrate - focus. We really look forward to our weekends on the ranch.

Before coming home, we adopted a border collie named Mettle Rose. Mettle Rose is the dog in the photo above. I will not go into great detail about Mettle’s situation other than to say that Merle raised and trained her, then accidentally sold her to the wrong person. When Merle reclaimed Mettle, well, let us just say that she was in less than optimum health. What a shame, a fully trained herding dog, so intelligent and affectionate. We just don’t understand how someone could allow a dog to nearly starve to death, regardless of the circumstances.

But, Merle urged us to put our anger aside and to go foreword and not dwell on the past. We intend to give Mettle Rose a good home and a happy life. We are flattered that the Newtons would entrust us with Mettle.

After leaving the ranch, we had dinner with Merle and Sandi in Red Bluff. We had a wonderful discussion over dinner. On the way home, we reflected on it all.

When we arrived at our house, Mettle Rose settled in as if it was meant to be her home. She ate well enough, and she seemed very comfortable with our cats. Our female border collie TheBaby is a different story. They are still working out the pecking order. But they will get it eventually; all things have a balance.

A day after Thanksgiving, we feel blessed to have gained a new friend and family member in Mettle Rose, and for the friendship we have developed with Merle and Sandi Newton, two very special people. There should be more people like them.